
Lorenzoni Ice Cream - homemade and famous across the border

GRANDER water in the production of ice cream, in the cafe and in the apartment

For many years the confectionery master, Helmut Lorenzoni, has been baking with GRANDER® water. Revitalized water is available not only in the bakery, but throughout the entire building.

The revitalized GRANDER water is used not only in the bakery, but also in the production of many varieties of fruit ice cream; the chef and master of his profession swears by the effect that GRANDER water has on his products. "It refines the taste and makes the ice cream particularly creamy."

In the house of Lorenzoni, the good coffee-house traditions are given a high priority - each guest will be served a glass of GRANDER revitalized water with his/her coffee.  And rarely a full glass comes back, the competent service personnel have determined.

GRANDER water also flows in the Guesthouse Lorenzoni in Kirchberg in Tyrol, which was completely renovated and modernized in 2007 and 2008.  Rebecca Lorenzoni relies heavily on customer orientation when renting apartments: "Guests should be comfortable with us and the revitalized water simply fits our philosophy."


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