

Bakery and Cafe Rieß

Self-service at the GRANDER drinking fountain

from left to right: Mr. Rieß, GRANDER expert Peter Schneider, Burgi Schneider from left to right: Mr. Rieß, GRANDER expert Peter Schneider, Burgi Schneider
"For over 10 years, we have been serving our café guests a small glass of revitalized GRANDER® water with their coffee.  So far, we have always poured the water from a glass jug or pre-filled several glasses for busier times."

Since March 2016, we have been serving the water from the taps in front of the customers fresh from the GRANDER drinking fountain and our guests are also welcome to refill the glasses themselves as often as they like.  Thus, "simple" water becomes an experience for our customers and we offer an additional service as well as added value," explains Gerhard Reiss.

When asked how he had come up with GRANDER, he described how in the year 2002, almost at the same time, he had received a recommendation for GRANDER both from an installer master as well as from his coffee representative.  Finally, he was convinced by a comparative test and up to present, he has not regretted the GRANDER water revitalization for a single day.  For the innovative entrepreneur, the drinking fountain enhances awareness of the value of natural, healthy drinking water.

"Many guests praise our extra service and many notice how pleasantly soft the GRANDER water is."


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