

Revitalized Apple-Lemon-Cinnamon Water

Kick off a revitalized holiday season with GRANDER and this recipe

The weeks around Christmas are the perfect season to devote some time to the beautiful things in life: many people decide to pamper mind and body, relax, and slow down. Revitalized apple-lemon-cinnamon water can contribute greatly to feeling both refreshed and relaxed. Just give it a try!


  • 2 apples
  • 2 cinnamon sticks
  • Juice of 1 lemon
  • revitalized GRANDER water

To make revitalized apple-lemon-cinnamon water, cut the apples into slices of your preferred size. Squeeze the lemon. Combine the apple slices, the fresh lemon juice, and the two cinnamon sticks in a jug or pitcher and fill it with revitalized GRANDER water.

To achieve the best results, leave the mixture over night for up to 24 hours before drinking it. This way, the water can fully absorb the ingredients’ tastes. Then simply enjoy.

This Christmasy recipe is not only tasty. Apples fill a hungry stomach, lemon has detoxifying and diuretic effects, cinnamon regulates blood-sugar levels and boosts the metabolism, and GRANDER water makes everything taste so much better.


Check out our Instagram page to see step-by-step instructions.

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