

Water and Coffee

The Day of Coffee

Water and Coffee @ Heribert Grander
People enjoy drinking a glass of water with their coffee - the "habit" is a century-old ritual originating from the classic coffee countries...

WATER is the most consumed beverage – right after that comes coffee.  Why doesn’t the espresso taste the same at home as it does at the café or office, and why does the popular cappuccino taste so different in many places?  “Only” three factors are responsible for the taste, aroma and the crema of the coffee:

  • the coffee itself (variety, degree of roasting)
  • the type of preparation (filter coffee, espresso machine, volumetric machine)
  • the water

A cup of coffee – depending on the type of preparation – consists of about 97% water.

Therefore, it is obvious that the water quality decisively affects the taste, aroma and crema of the coffee.  In order to increase the coffee content, it is recommended to use fresh, cold, softened but mineral-containing water.  The fresh water contains more oxygen and rounds off the taste.  For a fixed water connection, it is advisable to always use cold water with 5 to 7 German hardness level.  If the water is too soft, it results in bitter coffee.  If the water is too hard, the appearance of the drink deteriorates and there is not enough taste.

Coffee experiments prove:  revitalized water emphasizes the strength and aroma

Curator Edmund Mayer of the Coffee Competence Center in Vienna has conducted numerous studies and experiments with water in order to find the optimum conditions for the coffee preparation and the perfect result for coffee makers.

In one of his experiments involving the French Press, the revitalized GRANDER water convinced him. With GRANDER water, the mill base swells so strongly that it takes much more force to press down the press tamper.  The results of his blind tastings are also very impressive: the subjects judged the coffee made with revitalized water much tastier, flavor-intensive and powerful.

>>Clip: Curator Edmund Mayr of Coffee Competence Center Vienna experimented

>>Clip: Curator Edmund Mayr of Coffee Competence Center Vienna demonstrates the difference between revitalized water and non-revitalized

Coffee-to-go with revitalized water

In Austria, coffee is considered much more than a mere drink – coffee is undoubtedly an integral part of our everyday culture.  Everywhere we go, we want to enjoy good, high-quality coffee.  Therefore, GOFAIR has set itself the goal of offering coffee from high-end machines to satisfy people with high quality requirements, which are concerned about fairness and sustainability. 

The concept was developed in co-operation with FAIRTRADE Austria and experts from the coffee industry.  Every GOFAIR machine is equipped with the GRANDER water revitalization, so that the water is used for coffee and tea only.

In addition, the GOFAIR coffee machines can be used to distribute pure water, which is revitalized by Grander, so that all those who “only” are thirsty for water can enjoy the revitalized water too.

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