Customer and User Voices on the EFFECTS OF GRANDER WATER REVITALIZATION – Part 4: Swimming Pools and Ponds
Results of the GRANDER customer survey 2019/2020
Participants were canvassed on the following topics:
- Vitality and individual perception
- Cooking and chores
- Garden and crops
- Swimming pools and ponds
- Heating and systems protection
- Overall experience with GRANDER
- Recommending GRANDER and GRANDER consultants to others
In the fourth installment of our short series, we will report about the results in the ‘swimming pools and ponds’ category.
GRANDER makes for a natural swimming experience and facilitates the maintenance of swimming pools, natural pools, and ponds.
High-quality pool water requires optimum pool settings as much as regular checks, maintenance, and care. GRANDER water revitalization turns pools into more natural environments. Water revitalization improves the water’s internal structure, effectively reducing the amount of chemicals and disinfectants needed. What is more, swimming just feels better as the revitalized water is gentle on eyes, skin, and hair.
Ponds and natural pools are fragile ecosystems that strongly depend on the stability of their microbiological setup. GRANDER supports this stability by improving the self-cleaning properties and thus the biological balance of the water. Revitalized water is also more nurturing for the plants that grow around a pond, making them more resilient to environmental factors and boosting their growth.
What do customers report about the use of GRANDER for their swimming pools and ponds?
- 76.04% of respondents saw a reduction of the deposits on their pool walls.
- 71.27% confirmed that pools were easy to clean compared to before water revitalization was introduced.
- Slightly above 80% required a smaller amount of chemicals to disinfect the water (such as chlorine).
- 81.25% stated that GRANDER water revitalization made the water less susceptible to microbial contamination.
- 87.5% of respondents noted an increase of the water’s natural stability.