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Plants & Breeding


promotes plant growth

GRANDER water promotes vigorous and lush plant growth and thus subsequently also ensures an improved post-harvest.

makes plants more resistant

Revitalized water strengthens the resistance & lifetime of crops & ornamental plants, which at the same time leads to increased storability and improved storage behavior.

increases the quality

According to Johann Grander revitalized water supports the optimal development of your plants and thus ensures the maximum enrichment with ingredients and the full development of flavor.

reduces fertilizer & pesticides

The use of GRANDER water in the garden or in the cultivation of vegetables, fruit and cereals sustainably reduces the need for fertilizers, pesticides and weedicides.

ensures healthier soils

Thus, the use of revitalized water according to Johann Grander subsequently also reduces the pollution of the soil by chemical residues and other harmful products.
Get the pure drinking pleasure!
Wie sind Grander Wasserbelebungsgeräte aufgebaut?

    Customer experience

    B+H Solutions – fertilizer and plant protection

    Elmar Budar ist the Manager of B+H Solutions GmbH, a company that produces of colloidal fertilizers in Remshalden, Germany.

    Vacation Farm Hirsch in Hoerdt, Elsass - family-owned for over 30 years

    Mr. and Mrs. Hirsch have been running their farm together now for more than 30 years and are specialized in growing the famous Elsass asparagus from Hoerdt.

    Florist Eva Steiger from Eisenstadt Waters Plants with GRANDER

    Eva Steiger’s florist shop on the Schlossquartier Esterhazy premises in Eisenstadt is certified as an enterprise serving the common good. A main prerequisite of this certification is that an enterprise operates in an environmentally sustainable way.

    Feldingers Hausgartl in Wals near Salzburg

    One of the first to recognize the connection between growth, plant quality and revitalized water was the organic farmer, Johann Feldinger Sr. from Salzburg.  In the meantime, Johann Feldinger Jr. has taken over the business.  Among the 40 different types of vegetables, garden cress has been grown as a second, important pillar for their business.

    Himbeerhof Renner - raspberries, wine, pumpkin and much more

    At Himbeerhof Renner, a small family-run business in its 4th generation now located in the municipality of Glanz on the South Styrian Weinstrasse, Austria, food products of the best quality are on offer.  The Renner family uses GRANDER® water revitalisation both in their private home as well as in their business.  It contributes to improved plant growth and a better harvest.


    Mozart and GRANDER water help flowers blossom better

    Peter Zwanger, owner of the garden centre in Baernbach, made his own experiences.  He fertilizes with "Mozart" and spoils his plants with revitalized water by Johann Grander.


      GRANDER Inline Units

      GRANDER Inline Units

      GRANDER Inline Units are available for installation in the main water supply of private houses, medium-sized and large buildings as well as industrial plants.

      GRANDER Flexible Unit

      GRANDER Flexible Unit

      Pocket-size device that can quickly and easily be installed in showers, mobile homes, vacation domiciles, on outside taps in the garden, etc.

      GRANDER Energy Rod Double

      GRANDER Energy Rod Double

      The GRANDER Energy Rod Double is available in two sizes for submersion in suitable locations.

        Further application areas

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