
Dissertation at the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna, Institute for Horticulture, Fruit and Viticulture

Improved plant growth scientifically confirmed by GRANDER

In the year 2004, Dr. Heidrun Schinagl at the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna, Institute for Horticulture, Fruit and Viticulture, presented her dissertation on "Investigations of the influence of plant-strengthening agents on the growth, yield and quality of horticultural crops.

The subject of the dissertation was a "study of the influence of plant-strengthening agents on growth, yield and quality of horticultural crops". Four different preparations were tested for their plant-strengthening effect. The experiment was carried out on lettuce and tomatoes, which were grown in a film tunnel in the experimental garden of the university in the years 2002 and 2003.

The results are more than convincing ...

GRANDER water caused

For heads of lettuce

  • An improved after harvest
  • Improved storage behavior

For tomatoes

  • yield increase
  • Increasing the number of extra fruits (increased share of quality 1)
  • Greater resistance to black rot Increase of vitamin C content
  • No occurrence of shell cracks

>> Download: Abstract dissertation

Dr. Heidrun Schinagl makes a clear recommendation in the publication of the dissertation in the magazine "demeter 7 zeitung" for the use of GRANDER water revitalization in tomato cultivation.


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