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In Memory of Johann Grander, Who Would Have Turned 88 on 24 April ...

Johann Grander, discoverer of water revitalization

In Memory of Johann Grander, Who Would Have Turned 88 on 24 April ... @ GRANDER
In memoriam of Johann Grander: student of nature, visionary & discoverer of water revitalization!

Johann Grander was no theoretician. He always let his intuition guide him and followed the path of nature, his best teacher. Experimenting with water, he particularly relied on his microscope, with the help of which he discovered that microorganisms change their behavior when they come in touch with revitalized water. This confirmed what he already knew, namely that water can store and transmit information. The information transfer from water to water is a physical singularity. Johann Grander was the first to put this property of water to use.

Today, GRANDER revitalized water is an indispensable component in the everyday lives of hundreds of thousands of people worldwide.

All around the globe, GRANDER water revitalization has its place in the most varied fields – from private homes to the hospitality industry, including pools, spas, and wellness facilities, to trade and industry.

GRANDER water revitalization strengthens the water’s immune system. It helps the water regain its self-cleaning properties and resilience and develop a variety of properties beneficial to both humans and other organisms. GRANDER revitalized water stands for:

  • Enjoyment & good flavor
  • Well-being & vitality
  • Growth & yield
  • Optimization & economization
  • Environmental protection & conservation of resources

With his discoveries and insights, Johann Grander shaped an understanding of water that is now being shared by millions of people worldwide: a healthful life begins with revitalized water.

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