

Vacationing at Home: Enjoying a Swim in Top-Quality Water

A great deal of fun and only minimal maintenance with GRANDER

Vacationing at Home: Enjoying a Swim in Top-Quality Water Facedisco
Having your own swimming pool in your garden makes for many happy and relaxed hours for the whole family. With a pool, you can enjoy a mini-vacation in your own garden every weekend. Whether you like swimming a few laps before breakfast, having fun playing in the water with the kids, or taking a relaxing dip in the evening: a pool is a great source of joy throughout the summer – provided that the water quality is alright.

GRANDER water revitalization improves the quality of not only your drinking but also your pool water in a natural way. Using GRANDER for your pool ...

  • improves flocculation,
  • decreases chlorine demand and smell,
  • reduces use of disinfectants and additional chemicals,
  • lowers pH value fluctuations,
  • is effective in both disinfectant systems using hydrogen peroxide and/or chlorine and salt water electrolysis systems.
  • ensures outstanding water quality and stability,
  • makes cleaning easier,
  • protects the swimming pool’s technical equipment,
  • produces pool water that feels soft and comfortable to the touch,
  • is gentler on eyes and skin,
  • makes for a high degree of wellbeing,
  • lets you enjoy your pool to the fullest.

Make the most of your pool with GRANDER while reducing your maintenance time and costs!
Enjoy this quick and easy way to optimize the use of your pool so that you can enjoy your personal wellness oasis without a care in the world all summer long.

Are you interested in a free, no-obligation consultation at your home and a tailor-made sustainable and natural water concept optimized for you?

>> Get in touch which us.

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