
Plattling Swimming Pool - impressive bathing facility with many attractions

Thanks for GRANDER - an excellent, additional promotional effect

The outdoor pool in Plattling situated in Lower Bavaria, Germany is the most-frequented swimming pool in the entire district.  It is an impressive bathing facility with many attractions.  GRANDER® water revitalisation has been installed in the entire fresh water supply - a 4-week survey delivered only positive feedback.

In Plattling they really wanted to know how the "new" bathing water quality would be evaluated, so they asked the bathing guests.  In a survey over a period of 4 weeks the majority of the participants evaluated the water quality as better than before and came to the conclusion that:  the water is clearer, the skin no longer smells of chlorine and that the skin and hair feel softer."

And because the bathing customer is king at Plattling, Stefan Kopp, facility manager, was very pleased about a further positive effect:

"In addition we have had a super advertising effect.  No one ever imagined that GRANDER would be so positive for us."

Mayor Erich Schmid is also very satisfied with the results and thanks the works committee for their trust.  It has certainly brought many new bathing guests to Plattling.

Swimming master Stephan Duschl has also felt the positive effect on his own body, " My hands were always cracked," he explains.  "These have all vanished now and I no longer need creams." He reports about a couple from Deggendorf, who always drove to a bio-hotel in Austria just because of the GRANDER water, "My husband asked if he could fill three bottles from the faucets in the shower room, because his wife liked drinking it so much."


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