
Urbida AG Real Estate - Sales & Administration, 7018 Flims-Waldhaus

Property management is a matter of trust!

Urbida AG, 7018 Flims-Waldhaus Urbida AG, 7018 Flims-Waldhaus Urbida AG, 7018 Flims-Waldhaus
Dear Mrs. Fleck, dear Mr. Jörger! In recent years, we have installed the system of GRANDER® water revitalization technology in various properties managed by us (all floor owner communities). The first installation took place in a floor heating system in 2009.

Overall, this is as follows:

Drinking water:  9 properties

Heating: 5 properties

Indoor swimming pool:  1 property

In some properities, we had massive problems, both in the heating sector (sludge of the floor heating pipes) and in the drinking water area (massive rust deposits when opening the water taps).  Since the installation of the GRANDER water revitalization, these problems have been massively reduced, so that no further measures have yet to be taken (flushing of floor heating pipes, etc.).  Also in the property with the indoor pool, that chlorine taste in the house is now significantly reduced and we only need about half of the chemicals as before the installation.

From our point of view, this system works perfectly in practice, so we can recommend it in any case.

Kind regards from Flims

Urbida AG, Pascal Langhi

Via Teissa 7

7018 Flims Waldhaus

Tel: 081 911 22 08

Email:  p.langhi-urbida@flims.ch


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