
Wolfensberg Swimming Pool - always something happening

GRANDER: good water quality and pleasant on the skin

Schwimmbad Wolfensberg Schwimmbad Wolfensberg Schwimmbad Wolfensberg
The top priority of the swimming pool in Wolfensberg, Switzerland is the guests, whose well-being could be significantly enhanced through GRANDER® water revitalisation.  The revitalized "Quartier" swimming pool "Wolfi" was recognized as one of the 50 most beautiful pools in Switzerland by the Swiss Heritage Society in May 2012.  

In 2012 the pool operators welcomed their guests to the 75th bathing season.  In 2009 GRANDER water revitalisation was installed without informing the guests - the feedback was overwhelming.

The pool guests praised the excellent water quality and the good skin tolerability.

The comments from the pool guests:

- the water feels softer

- my eyes don't burn any more

- the towels no longer smell of chlorine


The measureable, objective facts are:

Swimming Pool Water Purification

- savings of 23% in the sulphuric acid for the ph balance

- savings of 10 - 15% in the sodium hypschlorite as a disinfecting agent

- reduction by 25% for the need for fresh water per bathing guests 

This is naturally in compliance of the legal minimum values according to the canton bathing laws and regular controls through a canton chemist.

Shower Cleaning

Since the calcification falls out in "powder" form now, it doesn't stick so strongly to the tiles.

Consequently, there are reductions such as: 1/3 of the working hours, 1/3 of the degreaser and 50% of the descaling agents.

Kitchen Cleaning

The savings in the industrial dishwashing machines are 75% for dishwashing detergents and 50% for liquid lustres.

Swimming Pool Wolfensberg


Additional Info


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