

All the way from drinking no water to being a water enthusiast

GRANDER-Wasser schmeckt gut und tut gut

Featured All the way from drinking no water to being a water enthusiast
"Drinking regularly is key and not just at the moment when one is thirsty," is the general rule-of-thumb for overall well-being and fitness. This applies to adults, but more so for children.  

Children are constantly moving, learning (mentally as well as physically) and growing. Children in play forget the world around them and do not feel hungry or thirsty. In order to stay fit regenerating one's body with adequate liquids is essential.

As a result of the body's lack of water one's mental and physical performance decreases significantly and due to longer periods without adequate water children often show signs of weakness in concentration all the way to headaches and/or constipation.

Therefore, it is imperative that children learn early on that drinking regularly is necessary.


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