

Customer and User Voices on the EFFECTS OF GRANDER WATER REVITALIZATION – Part 5: Heating and Systems Protection

Results of the GRANDER customer survey 2019/2020

Satisfied customers are our number-one priority at GRANDER®. In order to find out more about customers’ experiences with GRANDER® water revitalization, we conducted a survey across Austria and Germany in late 2019. Today, we will present the results in the ‘heating and systems protection’ category.

Participants were canvassed on the following topics:

  • Vitality and individual perception
  • Cooking and chores
  • Garden and crops
  • Swimming pools and ponds
  • Heating and systems protection
  • Overall experience with GRANDER
  • Recommending GRANDER and GRANDER consultants to others


In the fifth installment of our short series, we will report about the results in the ‘heating and systems protection’ category.


GRANDER in heating systems

In addition to Inline Units, which are installed on water mains and/or individual water lines, GRANDER also produces and sells devices for water revitalization in heating systems.

These GRANDER Circulation Units are suitable for the use in heating and cooling systems and the optimization of process water in individual houses as well as medium-sized and larger facilities. The effect of GRANDER is especially visible and palpable when it comes to revitalizing water used in heating systems: dirty and foul-smelling water becomes crystal clear, neutral with regard to taste and odor, and biologically stable. This has a long-lasting effect on the service life of heating systems.


What are our customers’ experiences using GRANDER for heating and systems protection?

  • 74.21% of respondents reported that revitalizing the water in heating systems with GRANDER made for a pleasant indoor climate in their homes.
  • Close to 60% noticed that heating and cooling costs dropped following the installation of GRANDER.
  • 77.37% found that silt and deposit formation in radiators and pipes was reduced.
  • 74.21% witnessed an improvement with regard to lime deposits and rust formation, as a consequence of which the maintenance need of heating and cooling systems was reduced in the households or facilities of 70% of respondents.
  • More than 85% reported that their GRANDER device had not required any maintenance since its installation.

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