
AROSEA Life Balance Hotel in the Ulten Valley near Meran

Charm, ambiente, comfort, well-being and GRANDER water are at home here

The motto of the AROSEA Life Balance Hotel in Ulten Valley near Meran, Italy:  "Water is a primordial element of a lively nature, the cradle of life and center of everything, that lives!" That's why there is a drinking fountain with revitalised water by GRANDER® in every room.

Hotel owner, Anne Stauder, is convinced about the positive and soothing effect GRANDER has: "In every room one can find a drinking fountain with revitalised GRANDER water."

The guests can enjoy the superior water from the drinking fountains throughout the hotel.  There is normally an original GRANDER carafe at the fountains.  The buffet also offers GRANDER water in pitchers; the guests can help themselves and frequently provide positive feedback about the excellent water quality to the boss:

"It is noticeable that the coffee tastes great.  My guests confirm this as well.  The guests drink more coffee as it is easily disgestible and doesn't scratch the throat."

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Hotline 00 800 000 20335

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