
Organic Farm in Denmark

Revitalized water for the cows

In the small village of Aulum, halfway between the neighboring towns of Holstebro and Herning, Anders Laugesen and his wife run an organic farm comprising 120 cows and about 200 hectares of land, which is primarily used for growing crops and grass for the dairy cattle.

The Laugesens are very devoted to their farm. Organic cultivation is very important to them, which is why they use no pesticides. They also place great importance on the quality of their water.

When they first started using GRANDER at their farm, they noticed that the cows drank more water. While they only slurped with their tongues before, they now dip in their whole snout. ‘They now drink water like vacuum cleaners,’ Mr Laugesen says, laughing out loud.

The couple also soon noticed that the health of the animals had improved significantly. There were fewer problems regarding the placenta, udder inflammation, etc. As a side-effect, the costs of veterinary care fell by a quarter per cow. What was more, the somatic cell count (a milk quality parameter) dropped and stabilized at a low level, proving a positive effect on the milk’s quality.

In addition to these benefits, the farmers now need a smaller amount of cleaning agents, and the water tanks’ heating elements only need to be exchanged in intervals of two to three years as opposed to twice yearly before because there is significantly less lime scale.


Watch the video to find out more about these and other effects of GRANDER water revitalization:



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