

GRANDER Cylinder Units

GRANDER® Cylinder Units are well suited for revitalization of swimming pools, wellness spas, wells, ponds, etc. before use as well as after use if a GRANDER® water revitalization unit has been installed in the main water pipes.


More than ‘Just’ Water

It is no coincidence that animals, which are finely attuned to their surroundings and follow their instincts, prefer water that is revitalized with GRANDER®.


A Good Life Starts with Excellent Water

Today it is known around the globe that GRANDER® improves the quality of all aspects of people´s daily lives: revitalized water is not only delicious but also boosts your spirits and vitality. GRANDER® is so gentle on your skin that taking a shower of bath fells like a trip to a wellness spa, and tap water acquires a finde taste, turning it into everyone´s favourite drink.


Pumpkin Soup Recipe

As the days are getting shorter and temperatures are dropping, few things are as delightful as getting cozy inside and relishing a bowl of deliciously hot soup. Today, we would like to share a pumpkin soup recipe with you.


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